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Listen with Lama: The Science of Mind – Special Guest: Dr. Richard Davidson

LIVE on Zoom, Thursday, September 9th, 7:00pm

Sign up here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/listen-with-lama-the-science-of-mind-with-dr-richard-davidson-tickets-167100190167

The Listen With Lama Summer Series of virtual chats enters its 3rd session, featuring the teachings of Tibetan Meditation Master Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche.

Hosted by Lama Karma Chötso of the Open Awareness Buddhist Center in Miami, Florida. She focused for the first two sessions on YMR’s life through his New York Times bestselling books and award-winning documentaries.

Session #3 takes the investigation into what science has learned about his mind., Dr. Richie Davidson, renowned neuroscientist and founder of the Center for Healthy Minds at University of Wisconsin-Madison, will be our featured guest.